Tour of Alberta – our favourite parks

As promised, we’d like to share with your our own Top 5 list of our favourite Alberta (Canada) provincial parks.

It’s no secret that we adore camping and getting out into nature. Like most folks, we have ‘day jobs’ and our son has school so that leaves us a bunch of weekends before (and after) our summer vacation to get out in our RV. We have a few requirements that we use for assessing our weekend trips and different criteria for longer stays (as say, part of our summer vacation).

Printable: RV Kitchen & Bath Inventory

Don’t forget those roasting sticks!

Whether it is your first trip or your five hundredth, the first trip of the season can be stressful. You want to remember everything! You want to ensure your family has a wonderful time, that everything goes smoothly and that nothing goes wrong or gets forgotten. That’s not always easy and it is an awfully big role getting everything packed up.

With May Long weekend rushing up, now is a good time to take a quick inventory of your RV and try to make sure you’ve got all you need packed up before you hit the road!

A great RV vacation: using January to plan for July!

Want a perfect vacation? Use this recipe: Time + Effort + Flexibility.

Wasa Lake Provincial Park (Cranbrook, BC)

Once upon a time, one used to just be able to say ‘hey, I feel like heading out camping this weekend!’ and you did. Put a few clothes in a bag, grabbed a pillow and a some groceries and out the door you went. Part of the allure of camping was the freedom to just go at a moments notice, your home on your back (or behind your vehicle) and only the open road ahead.