The family behind the RV Trip Tracker app.
Meet the Family! We’re a family of three and we’re pleased to meet you.

Dad, David, is a computer programmer with over 30 years of programming experience. His programming experience is vast, having written telephony, dog daycare, accounting and OH&S programs for a multitude of clients. He also works part time as a photographer working primarily in portraiture. He’s got a lot camping experience – having camped in Europe and Canada as a child and purchased his first RV when he was 22 years old! He’s RV’d across western Canada and paddling many a lake in the cedar strip canoe he built.
Mom, Corrie, an interior designer by training, spent many years in the design & project management world. In 2012, the world pointed her in a different direction. Through the volunteer work on the Culinary Arts Cook Off, Corrie refined her writing skills and became the social media strategist and website content writer. She camped frequently as a child spending much time in Jasper National Park with her family and many, many weekends camping in her own backyard with her sister! When she met David, their journey of camping together commenced – first in a tent, then through a series of RVs before they found their forever Class C in 2014.
Kid, Brennan, went on his first camping trip when he was 11 weeks old and has camped almost every summer since. Biking, hiking, swimming and making new friends are some of Brennan’s favourite things to do when out RVing. This summer, he hopes to try tent camping for the first time while in the safe shadows of the RV. Brennan is a pretty typical kid and he loves his electronics. But he also loves camping, art and cooking so he was quick to volunteer to author his own corner of the website – Kid’s Corner – a little piece of the internet for RVing kids.